Inventory is received in the inventory module of the POS. When a vendor, or you as a purchaser secure new inventory for your restaurant.

You must have purchased the Inventory module to access the features.

Set up for Receiving

  • Here's some stuff

Start a receiving lot by choosing inventory and selecting new.

Choose a location your working on. If templates are created you can choose one

here. If no templates are created click ok.

Vendor— You can give this a vendor name for your own reference.

PO— you can give this a purchase order for your own reference.

Select Add Products

  • This will bring up a list of all inventory tracked products you can receive.

Highlight received product and adjust the fields for each.

  • Qty—how many received

  • UOM– in what size

  • Unit cost—how much did you pay for each UOM

  • Cost and OZ will self-calculate

  • If you received different UOM’s fill them in on separate lines

Once you have received all goods the system will total the Qty in the preferred stock UOM and give you a total cost on the Cost line. The preferred Stock UOM is set when you create the Raw Material.

The notes field is for your reference

Select Add Products

  • Previous Next– toggle through the products you have added.

  • Save as template — allows you to create a template of these products so you can have selections of products that auto populate a receiving lot from specific vendors.

  • Print – Prints Lot

  • Abandon — leave and forget receiving this lot, will delete saved lots.

  • Save – Will prompt you to save for later or finish the Receiving of the lot.

  • Cancel – Exits the Lot with out saving changes.

Approving A Receiving Lot

Once a Lot is received you may need to approve it for the lot to go live in the system. This is an administrative feature that can be turned on. This allows an owner or a manager to “proof” a Lot before it is finalized in the system.

You must have the correct permission under security to approve a lot.The status column will show you the Lots current status.

Click on the lot with the status of approve to bring up the Review Screen.

In the Receive Review screen you can make changes to the Lot before it becomes live in your system. Changes may be made by highlighting a product in this by clicking on it. Once you are done click the save button and either save the review for later with your current changes or approve it to go live.

Seeing Closed Received Batches

  • These may be viewed by choosing the received tab and toggling the active button. Finalized lots may be seen in light grey and their details may be drilled into by double clicking on them.

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