You can remove tax from an entire order by opening the Discount Screen.
This is the red screen you arrive at by touching the More Button next to the order total at the lower right hand side of the order page.
Here in the upper left hand side of the screen you will find a button to toggle the Tax on a Transaction.
The order Total line will now clearly show no Tax
products lists to receive discounts.
Type– Determines how the price is calculated:
Price – defines a hard price for the products (e.g., 2.00)
Discount Amt – amount deducted from Loc Price to reach the discounted price (e.g., .50 cents off the Loc Price)
Discount % – Percent deducted from Loc Price to reach the discounted price (e.g., 10% off the Loc Price)
Amount — This value corresponds to the above type field, if price is chosen this value is the flat price, if discount amount is chosen this value is the amount off of the price, if % is chosen this value is the % of the discount.
From/To — Start and ending dates for the discount.
Days — Determines which days the discount applies, and the timeframe during these days.
Complicated discount programs can be managed by creating multiple discounts that occur over the same time period. In the event of conflicting discounts, the discount with the lowest price will be shown in the front of house system.