When the close out for a till does not match the money in the till there are several likely problems that stem from employee error.

  • 1. Was the till fully counted and the correct bank start entered at the start of the day?

  • 2. Were all paid in transactions and all paid out transactions accounted for?

  • 3. Were all employee tips removed prior to counting the drawer for closeout?

  • 4. Was the drawer counted incorrectly? Did the employee use the count form?

If the Closeout is over (more money in till than expected) the most likely problems to check are

  • 1. The count of the till is incorrect. Try to have employees use the count form if

    continually a problem

  • 2. There was a paid in not recorded

  • 3. The bank start was not recorded or recorded incorrectly.

  • 4. An employee using the till as cash drawer did not remove tips prior to counting.

If the Closeout is under (there is less cash than expected) or negative the most likely problems are

  • 1. The count of the till is incorrect. Try to have employees use the count form if continually a problem.

  • 2. The bank start was recorded higher then than what was in the till.

  • 3. There was a paid in not recorded when employees went to safe for cash to pay out credit card tips that exceeded the cash in the till.

  • 4. There was a paid out not recorded to pay some vendor or a safe drop.

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