Today, we have evolved into Spice eBikes, a woman-owned business focused on helping people decide how they want to flavor their adventure. Our mission is to help our neighbors discover the world around them in a way that really excites their palet. We are dedicated to providing amazing customer service and support to all who walk through our doors.
We have a focus in our shop on supportive education. Nothing is worse than exploring a new lifestyle and having everyone you meet speak to you as if you are displaying some audacity by asking if there is room at the table to join in at Spice eBikes; all adventure levels and spice tolerance are welcome. You can be brand new or have been riding for a hundred years; you are welcome.
Fifteen years later, I found and purchased this store because, like the previous owner, I, too, believe in the promise of eBikes–not just for the planet, but for people. I got into this game not because I love bikes (though bikes are rad!), but because I love people.
I have learned through this experience that I love the variety of my customers as much as I love the spices of life.
Amy credits Alister for giving her the gift of biking when he bought her her first good bike, and she discovered how much bike quality matters to the experience. She realized then that biking felt like freedom and flying!
Now, she wants to help customers from all backgrounds discover the same joy.
Alister loves to help customers not only find the right bike and accessories, but also ensure they are having the best possible experience on their bikes.